-> Wonder why the word “Funeral” starts with FUN? -> Why isn’t a Fireman called a Waterman? -> How come Lipstick doesn’t do what it says? -> If money doesn’t grow on trees, how come Banks have Branches? -> If a Vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a Humanitarian eat? -> How do you get off […]

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Sit for 10 mins beforea housewife –you will feel life is too difficult. Sit for 10 mins beforea drunkard –you will feel life is very easy. Sit for 10 mins beforea sadhu & a sanyasi –you will feel like gifting away everything in charity. Sit for 10 mins beforea politician –you will feel all your […]

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Once a dog ran into a museum where all the walls, the ceiling, the door and even the floor were made of mirror.Seeing this the dog froze in surprise in the middle of the hall, a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, from above and below.Just in case, the dog bared his […]

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